Monday, November 29, 2010

Recipe try-outs!

With the holiday break I found some time to try out a few recipes.  None of which were disappointing!

Marinara Sauce, from Eating for Energy, not only tastes great but the smell, oh my gosh, is awesome in itself!  I like it better that the other marinara sauce recipe I used previously.

It was so pretty in the food processor!

I wish you could smell this!!!

I had this over some zuchinni pasta that I made with my spiralizer. Delightful!

Another new recipe I tried was Waldorf Salad from Raw for the Holidays, by Penni Shelton. It is full of the usual Waldorf Salad ingredients, however, the dressing is not mayo!

The dressing is created in the blender using cashews, that have been soaked, garlic, sea salt, lemon juice, water, agave and olive oil.  Very creamy.  And everyone ate it!  It was quite the hit actually.

Also from Eating for Energy, I made a great dip, which I will also use as a salad dressing, Creamy Cucumber Dressing. Cucumber, avocado, cilantro, basil and dill are just a few of the great ingredients that give this dip such a great fresh taste.  

Marinated Portobello Mushrooms, from Eating for Energy, end this post. So easy and so delicious.  I think it is the apple cider vinegar and the Braggs Amino Acids that give it the pizazz. I will have it on top of zuchini pasta for lunch tomorrow.  It will also go great in salad too!

I am having a blast trying out all these new recipes. I have more bookmarked then I can possibly make and eat!!!

The Journey is the Reward

I like this sign.

It is from the Raw Food Rehab website.

A very good point to ponder in many ways!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Time off goes by sooooooo fast!

I can't believe it is time to go back to work tomorrow!  

Where does the time go?  

Thanksgiving was great. A quiet adult event.  A bit of a change for us.  My son was not too thrilled with my Butternut Sage soup or the salad, but he sure made up for it when it came to the turkey and stuffing! (which I refrained from this year.)  My guests were each asked to pick two items they wanted to see on the table.  That way I knew everyone would be happy, because if it was up to me the table would have been quite different!

I had two favorites: the salad and the cranberry relish.  The salad had lots of great tastes, from fruit to nuts to Gorgonzola crumbles (a vegetarian raw milk cheese) to a raspberry vinegar dressing. It was Yummmmy!

Today we celebrated my son's birthday.  For the gang I made a big batch of turkey soup, with the left overs from Thanksgiving, a Waldorf salad, veggie tray with a cucumber dip, and of course a cake to top off the day. (the cake was purchased!)

Funny thing though, my food choices were quite different from everyone else, and it was so easy. No cake, no bread, no turkey soup, and I seriously didn't even want it!! Maybe that is why I lost another pound over the holiday!! My grandson, Riley, kept me more active than normal today, so I may have even lost another pound that I don't know about yet!!

It was a really nice day.
It was a really nice break.
Tomorrow though, it is back to reality!!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Smoothie Day 132!

Today I counted up the number of days I have been drinking green smoothies. 132 days! Wow.

Everyday begins with one.  Today is no different.

I, however, am different! 

It has now been four months of green smoothies and whole plant based foods, and the transformation is amazing. I have not felt this great in years! My energy level is very high, my fibromyalgia pain is quite low, my first Fall with no allergies, my cholesterol dropped from 293 to 180, no more drugs of any kind, and as a side benefit I have lost 18% of my original weight! I am enjoying the compliments from those who see the changes in me, and shopping for new clothes!

I've been asked how long I plan to do this diet, and I reply, "This isn't a diet, it is a lifestyle, and it is forever. Why would I ever want to go back to the way it was?"

I encourage everyone to have a green smoothie everyday!
 Maybe today can be your beginning??

Today's smoothie recipe: 1 banana, 1 pear, 1 clementine, celery, parsley, spinach, coconut juice, and crushed ice.  Added supplements: flaxseed, hemp seed, maca, & spirulina.  Blend it all together and there you have it: a powerhouse of vitamins, minerals, and nutrition! Energy to live on!

Friday, November 26, 2010

The Day After

Today was a great day.  My husband and I went by church and set up the advent wreath - a tradition for about eight years now - and then to Whole Foods for a few necessities.

Mom came over for lunch.  We designed a sweater pattern she will knit for Miles for Christmas.  We watched a re-run of Glee and Dr.Oz.  It was nice to just hang out. Nicer to know I can still do that!

Too much sitting though, and I was itchy to do something.  What better than play in the kitchen!  After all, I do have those new toys to play with.  My creative juices began to flow.  So here is what happened.

I gathered the tools and ingredients.

Zuchinni. Carrot. Parsley. Artichoke. Quinoa. Mushrooms. Lemon. Braggs Sprinkles. Sea Salt. Olive Oil. Sun-dried Tomatoes.

And my new toys, AKA tools!

Cut and toss . . . 


And my most favorite - the spiralizer!!!!!

So to start, I used the spiralizer and made "spaghetti" out of the carrot and zuchinni.
 I think this is just so cool!
One piece of zuchinni spaghetti was at least 18 inches long!

 And then I  put them together in a bowl.

Next I used my cut and toss scissors and cut up the "spaghetti" into bite size pieces.

I added the mushrooms, parsley, artichoke, sun dried tomatoes and quinoa and tossed it all together.

Then added the juice from a lemon, salt, Braggs Sprinkles, and drizzled a bit of olive oil and tossed it all together.
 Now it was ready to eat!

I took this creation, and plated it on top of a bed of spinach, sliced a kiwi, and added some Fresh Cranberry Relish, to the plate, a free recipe from Whole Foods, that I made for Thanksgiving Dinner.
It was so pretty I had to take a picture!!

I added Chocolate Mousse, a great recipe from
Raw Food Made Easy by Jennifer Cornbleet, with Rasberries for dessert,

 a glass of Pinot Noir, and the pleasure of my husband's company,

 and the result was a delicious, delightful meal!

Yes, the day after, was a very nice day!

Very nice!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Chow Down

Tonight I watched Chow Down on  This could be such an eye opener for so many people.  I never heard of it until Dr. Malloy told me about it.  Why is that?  The statistics in our country are staggering when it comes to disease, many of which are unknowingly self induced!  We are killing ourselves with food.  So sad.  But for the most part, most don't even know it.   I wish everyone would watch this, and then tell someone else to watch it.

Another must see is Food, Inc.  Below is a trailer to the movie.  I rented it from Blockbuster.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Green Smoothies Relieve Fibromyalgia Symptoms in 4 Days

I have Fibromyalgia.

I could also be a "poster child" for Green Smoothies. The following YouTube is a good testimonial to what Green Smoothies can do, and what they have done for me.

A green "medicine" that has wonderful side effects!!!

Thank you Victoria Boutenko for your miraculous creation!

The Skeptic

"Drink this . . . really?

But the color. . . 

Hmmmmm . . .  it sure doesn't taste like it looks."

Another green smoothie conversion!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Green Smoothie Recipe Generator

Now how cool is this: a website that gives you a new green smoothie recipe every time you hit the Blend me up a Smoothie button!  Thank you to the Green Smoothie Central website. Click on the text below to check it out!

And for the Tulsa locals, don't forget, we are going to talk green on November 16th in the Library at the Church of Saint Mary from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.  If you are trying to figure out what the heck this green smoothie thing is all about, want to learn how to make them, have questions, or just want to share your success story, do join us!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Green wave hits Florida, and internet shopping

By the way, for those of you who don't know, those three awesome kids in my last post are my grandchildren who live in Florida. I had a wonderful visit. I, naturally, made my green smoothie the first morning I was there and I am delighted to say they are all hooked! The second morning I came into the kitchen to see Cameron waiting for me to make his green smoothie. He had everything out of the refrigerator.  Such good choices he made!!!

Leaving was so hard.  I cried the whole way through airport security and all the way to my gate.  I really don't do goodbyes well!

Since I have been home I have done some internet shopping. So fun!!

Two books are headed to Florida to fuel their green smoothie addiction: The Green Smoothies Diet by Robyn Openshaw, and Green for Life by Victoria Boutenko. Two of my favorite books.

Two gadgets are heading to my house, and I can't wait for them to arrive.  I found then both on the Raw Gourmet Website

Saladacco Spiral Slicer
This is a Saldacco Spiral Slicer. It will be a great way to turn vegetables into  "raw spaghetti" to add to salads.  I can't wait to play with it!

The other new toy is called a Toss and Chop

Click on the picture for a video of how to use it. 
 Doesn't it look like a time saver???

As a side note, I have been watching the Simply Raw Video Series, which I found on the Raw Gourmet website.  Fascinating.  I would encourage you to watch it.  It is free.  Great information.  Anyone who is diabetic, knows someone who is, or just wants to be informed, should really see this. Please check it out.

OK, back to shopping.  My last purchase is a yoga DVD.  I have never done Yoga before, but I am feeling so good these days that I am ready to start exercising.  The women's club at a local church are doing "chair yoga" and love it, so I thought that would be a good start for me.  Sitting Fit - Chair Yoga  should be here by the end of the week. Yahooooo!

My ride on the Green Wave continues to be amazing.  I feel so good.  I am energized.  I sleep well, eat well, and live well. 

Nutrition is a powerful thing.  

More powerful than any drug! 

Try it. You can be amazed too!

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