Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Green wave hits Florida, and internet shopping

By the way, for those of you who don't know, those three awesome kids in my last post are my grandchildren who live in Florida. I had a wonderful visit. I, naturally, made my green smoothie the first morning I was there and I am delighted to say they are all hooked! The second morning I came into the kitchen to see Cameron waiting for me to make his green smoothie. He had everything out of the refrigerator.  Such good choices he made!!!

Leaving was so hard.  I cried the whole way through airport security and all the way to my gate.  I really don't do goodbyes well!

Since I have been home I have done some internet shopping. So fun!!

Two books are headed to Florida to fuel their green smoothie addiction: The Green Smoothies Diet by Robyn Openshaw, and Green for Life by Victoria Boutenko. Two of my favorite books.

Two gadgets are heading to my house, and I can't wait for them to arrive.  I found then both on the Raw Gourmet Website

Saladacco Spiral Slicer
This is a Saldacco Spiral Slicer. It will be a great way to turn vegetables into  "raw spaghetti" to add to salads.  I can't wait to play with it!

The other new toy is called a Toss and Chop

Click on the picture for a video of how to use it. 
 Doesn't it look like a time saver???

As a side note, I have been watching the Simply Raw Video Series, which I found on the Raw Gourmet website.  Fascinating.  I would encourage you to watch it.  It is free.  Great information.  Anyone who is diabetic, knows someone who is, or just wants to be informed, should really see this. Please check it out.

OK, back to shopping.  My last purchase is a yoga DVD.  I have never done Yoga before, but I am feeling so good these days that I am ready to start exercising.  The women's club at a local church are doing "chair yoga" and love it, so I thought that would be a good start for me.  Sitting Fit - Chair Yoga  should be here by the end of the week. Yahooooo!

My ride on the Green Wave continues to be amazing.  I feel so good.  I am energized.  I sleep well, eat well, and live well. 

Nutrition is a powerful thing.  

More powerful than any drug! 

Try it. You can be amazed too!

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